How do I add a call to action button to my video?

In the mobile app

  1. You will add a call to action button after creating your video on the Share Video screen.
  2. If you’re creating a new call to action button, tap the “Add a New CTA” button.
  3. If you’ve saved previous call to action buttons you’ve created, you will also see an option to “Add a Saved CTA”.
  4. Either way, the “Add Call To Action Button” window will pop up.
  5. Under the “Select Saved” tab, you can select and delete saved CTA buttons
  6. Under the “+ Add New” tab, enter the text you would like to display on the CTA button
    1. Next, enter the link you would like the button to take the recipient to
    2. Below, you will see an optional box to check if you would like to save this CTA to use again in the future. You will be able to save up to 5 CTAs. Delete old CTAs in order to save new ones.
  7. Last, tap “Add CTA to Video Message” to save
  8. You’ll then see the CTA in gray on the Share Video screen with a green pencil and paper icon to edit if needed.
  9. When you share the video with the recipient, the CTA button will appear in both video messages sent via email and on the video player page.