How do I download/update the OneDay app and log in?

  1. iPhone users - find and open the Apple App Store on your iPhone or iPad
  2. Android users - find and open the Google Play Store on your phone or tablet
  3. Use the search function and type in “OneDay"
  4. Once you’ve located the app, tap [GET] or [INSTALL] to begin the download process
    • If the app was previously installed on the device and the software version is not up to date; there will be an option to [UPDATE]
    • Please select [UPDATE] to update the apps' software version
  5. Once the app has been downloaded, you can find it on your device by searching for an icon with a white background, and a black triangle with the text “OneDay” underneath
  6. Tap the OneDay app and login using your login credentials
  • Note: Your login credentials is usually your work email address and the password you used to create your OneDay account