OneDay Blog

4 Tips on How the OneDay Platform Guides Your Storytelling

Written by Stephanie Black | Feb 23, 2021 9:50:41 PM

As human beings, storytelling is woven into our DNA. It dares us to look at the world from different perspectives, drives innovation, and compels us to think about what lies just over the horizon.

For sales and marketing teams, video content has become synonymous with modern visual storytelling, an essential tool to progress a customer through the buyer’s journey. But as powerful as video can be for your senior living community’s marketing efforts, you still need some basic fundamentals to leverage it fully. That’s why I want to discuss four simple tips on using the OneDay platform to guide your storytelling and start driving improved engagement and ROI metrics.


1. Be Mindful of Your Target Audience

Whether in a movie, novel, or video marketing campaign, a meandering and unfocused perspective is a quick way to fray an audience’s attention span. Therefore, before you start recording, take a moment to remember who you are speaking to and what will best drive emotional connections.

For example, while it’s tempting to create a single generic community tour video for all of your prospects, each of those prospective residents and their adult children will have specific questions, issues, and concerns that are impossible to cover with a single video. Instead, tailor your video content to particular audience segments and you’ll maximize engagement and the emotional response from each.


2. Always Be Authentic

How many times have you met someone that comes across as “fake,” even though you can’t quite put your finger on a specific trait that’s invoking that feeling? Probably too many to count. The same goes for senior living communities and their marketing efforts – the audience will always pick-up on insincere messaging.

For that reason, it’s critical to always be authentic with your video content – or any content, for that matter – in your content marketing campaigns. Granted, it’s for every sales and marketing team to determine what “authenticity” means to them since it will vary from community to community. But as a rule of thumb, if you stay true to your culture, vision, and goals with your video content, authenticity will shine through.


3. Show Empathy For Your Prospects and Their Families

The majority of prospective residents that you’re speaking to through your video marketing strategy are at a significant crossroads in their lives. Moving from their home to your community – as healthy, fulfilling, and exciting as it might be – is a decision often filled with some degree of confusion and fear.

Fortunately, OneDay’s program allows you to easily capture stories that you can personalize in a way that addresses pain points in prospects and their loved ones. For instance, you can introduce them to like-minded current residences or highlight parts of your facilities that speak to their interests – maybe a book club or the putting green you just built. These types of videos showcase your empathy and commitment to addressing their specific needs.


4. Convey Authority in Your Messaging

You devote so much time and effort to your sales and marketing strategy for a reason. After all, senior living is an extremely competitive industry, and your competitors are looking for any chance to steal market share.

That’s why it’s so crucial for you to create video content – not just sales pitches but online video testimonials, explainer videos, and the like– that establishes you as an authority. Ultimately, you want your content to answer questions, provide useful insights to prospects and families, and paint your team as experts. Video content is a powerful way to position your community’s messaging as a valuable resource for their decision-making process.

Thankfully, OneDay’s video sales and marketing platform is an intuitive, convenient tool that makes all of these video storytelling tips easy to integrate into your video marketing strategy. At OneDay, we pride ourselves on being a partner that moves the occupancy and ROI needles for senior living communities with our industry-leading video marketing solution.