OneDay Blog

How Using OneDay For Sales & Marketing Can Drive Occupancy

Written by Drew Hunt | Mar 1, 2021 9:11:16 PM

Authenticity is the great differentiator in senior living sales and marketing strategy. It helps prospects and their family members feel safe and secure when choosing your senior living community over the countless others. But given the many ways to message your target audience in this digitized world, what’s the best way to convey that critical sense of authenticity?

That’s where OneDay’s video sales and marketing platform shines so brightly, helping you increase occupancy more than any other content format. With OneDay, your marketing team can convey a genuine sense of empathy, compassion, and excitement to propel move-ins and NOI, and I’m going to show you how.


Personalized Prospect Introductions and Follow-Ups

First impressions matter. A lot. In fact, I’d venture to say that introductions are the most important communication you’ll have with prospective residents and adult children. They set the tone for the entire customer journey so, if an introduction is generic or lacking, you’re immediately behind the proverbial eight-ball and clawing to catch up in your messaging.

But personalizing every introduction can seem like a daunting task, particularly for larger communities engaging several prospects at once. However, with OneDay’s platform, personalization is fast and convenient, allowing you to convey that essential authenticity and sincerity without dismantling your team’s workflow. OneDay videos let you speak to a prospect’s specific interests, concerns, and passions in just a few minutes.


Virtual Tours to Highlight Resident Amenities and Programs

Building on the previous point, let’s say a prospect loves reading, swimming, and dancing. You could, of course, hire a photographer to snap glossy pictures of your revamped pool, but that’s not going to be nearly as engaging as a narrated, personalized video putting your community’s sparkling pool on full display.

The same goes for a behind-the-scenes video of your weekly book club or ballroom dancing lessons. There’s simply no substitute for the smiles, laughter, and enthusiasm that a OneDay video captures, placing your community’s culture in the best possible light while also giving potential residents and their loved ones an open window into what their life will be like once they move in.


Resident Introductions and Community Immersion

Camaraderie is a powerful tool in your video marketing plan. Remember, moving into an assisted living or retirement community is a massive change for a new resident and almost always comes with some degree of trepidation and worry.

Therefore, making a prospect feel like they belong – ideally, before they even set foot through your front door – is a competitive advantage that’s difficult to beat. Using OneDay videos across your marketing efforts to “introduce” like-minded current residents to a prospect creates an immediate emotional connection, one that will ultimately help you meet your occupancy rate and ROI goals.


Fast and Efficient Communication

How many inquiries does your marketing and sales team receive on pricing, layouts, and details about your community facilities? Probably quite a few. But responding with sometimes dozens of daily emails and phone calls doesn’t do much for your workflow and productivity.

OneDay videos are an invaluable alternative to your “traditional” communication, allowing you to quickly deliver accurate information to potential new residents and their adult children, just in an entirely personalized manner.

As an example, let’s say a prospect reaches out to your team for information on your dining facilities. Rather than emailing them the details with a few attached pictures or even calling them, you could send a OneDay video showing actual footage of your dining area and what it’s like during dinner service, all in less time than that email or call.

In other words, OneDay videos allow you to convey the relevant information in a faster, more customized, and engaging manner. And that’s the personal, authentic touch that OneDay unlocks for your community’s sales and marketing strategy, driving your occupancy metrics along the way.