OneDay Blog

Why Your Senior Living Community Needs Video Marketing

Written by Melissa Geise | Jul 2, 2020 5:17:30 PM

Everything old isn’t new again. Or maybe I should say everything shouldn’t be new again. It’s a lesson that the senior living industry is learning right now as it copes with the incredible challenges that 2020 has thrown its way.

Communities need different, innovative tools to communicate and engage with residents, prospects, and families now, something that video marketing is uniquely capable of delivering. Like it or not, those that continue to rely on the same marketing solutions they’ve been using for decades are putting themselves behind the curve.


Numbers Don’t Lie

It’s one thing to say that video marketing is becoming indispensable for senior living communities, but quite another to prove it. But, as the saying goes, numbers don’t lie, and these eye-opening statistics say an awful lot about video marketing and what the consumer – your residents, prospects, and families – expect these days, as well as what video provides.

  • 66% of people prefer to learn about a company, product, or service through a short video
  • 86% of consumers want to see more videos from organizations
  • Video marketing generates a positive ROI for 88% of marketers that use it
  • The average viewer retains 95% of a message when delivered by video
  • Companies that use video marketing realize 49% faster revenue growth than those that don’t
  • When a viewer enjoys an video message, it increases the intent to purchase by 97% and brand association by 139%

We’ve seen similar results here at OneDay, where, as we discussed in a recent case study, simply adding a video to a marketing email increased response rates by 95%. From a broader perspective, video can have the same impact on the entire sales cycle, making communication with prospects faster, more efficient, and far more effective. Suffice it to say, video marketing is a significant engagement and communication tool, one that the senior living industry is just now starting to embrace.


But is Video Right for Senior Living Communities?

I understand that those statistics might seem rather broad. Yes, they certainly demonstrate the power of video marketing in general, but how does that translate to the senior living industry? Do videos connect with the senior living industry the same way they do with other demographics?

That’s a common misconception that OneDay is constantly battling – that senior living staff are uncomfortable with new technology. The fact of the matter is, over 40% of people ages 65 and older now own smartphones, and two-thirds of seniors use the internet. Plus, when it comes to prospects, you’re engaging with their families just as much as the seniors themselves, if not more. In other words, your audience isn’t intimidated by video marketing and, referring back to those statistics, usually prefer it to other formats.

Also, since OneDay is so simple and intuitive, a brief walk-through of the app with your staff is usually more than enough for them to feel at-ease with it. That’s not to say that there isn’t a learning curve, but from my experience working with partners, it doesn’t take very long for staff members to feel completely comfortable recording and sending OneDay videos. The results are professionally branded videos that are personal, engaging, and literally cost a fraction of hiring a videographer and editor.


Best Practices for Using OneDay Videos

To help you hit the ground running with OneDay videos – and video marketing in general – I have a handful of best practices to share that you can integrate into your own digital marketing strategy.


Control the Narrative with Families

The media has painted the entire industry with an extremely broad, often unfair brush strokes recently. Use OneDay videos to convey authentic emotion to families, letting them see that their loved one has an enriched life, is making new friends, and is in very capable and compassionate hands with your staff and caregivers.


Showcase Your Community to Prospects

Perks won’t differentiate your community. New pools and putting greens look great in a picture, but what interests prospects and families most is quality of life and the culture. Use OneDay videos to showcase the best of your community and highlight the experiences and memorable moments that prospects have to look forward to.


Make it Personal

Your community is strong because your staff cares. Personalize every OneDay video for the viewer, whether that’s a prospect, family, or both. Get to know them, what they enjoy most about life, and use those insights to steer your communication. If a prospect is a veteran, for instance, ask a resident who is also a veteran to “introduce” themselves in a video. As you’ll see, video forms strong, almost instantaneous connections that will help your community stand out for a prospect and family.


The Bottom Line

As you know, the senior living industry can sometimes trail others in adopting new technology. However, 2020 has accelerated what was already a growing undercurrent in the space – technology isn’t optional anymore, but a necessity.

If a community wants to increase move-ins, drive revenue, and differentiate itself from the competition, then video marketing is essential. And just like any innovation, it’s the early adopters in senior living that have the most to gain from adopting video into their messaging.