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Improve sales process, resident
experience, and talent retention
Elevate relationships, information
sharing, and financial knowledge
Enhance sales experience, internal
processes, and talent onboarding
Optimize lead conversions,
appointments, and talent acquisition
Boost product understanding, sales
outreach, and customer connections
Increase service understanding,
credibility, and customer support
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and see how video can work for you
Close more leads, get more
responses, and save valuable time
Reduce support costs, improve
retention, and increase opportunities
Capture attention, build trust, and
influence your audience
Enhance communication, stay
connected, and improve efficiencies
Improve strategy, simplify
processes, and enhance results
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OneDay has to offer

The personalized video solution for financial services

Looking for a way to create long-lasting relationships with new clients and stay top-of-mind with existing ones? Look no further! OneDay's personalized video solution equips you with a tool to modernize your approach to client relations and stand out in a competitive market.
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Why use video? Why not is a better question

Foster lasting relationshipsEstablish an immediate connection with prospects and clients by sending customized videos that resonate with their interests.
Provide personalized updatesKeep clients informed and engaged with video updates tailored to their investments, financial reviews, and exciting new opportunities.
Empower financial knowledgeUtilize personalized video content to educate clients about financial concepts, investment strategies, and smart money management.

Capture and Enhance

Boost top-of-funnel impact and engagement

Leveraging personalized videos at the top of the funnel to connect with potential clients is the most efficient way to communicate your message and showcase your value.

With OneDay's versatile platform, you can easily send personalized one-to-one or one-to-many communications, reaching customers right at those important moments in their customer journey.

Optimize and Retain

Create greater customer loyalty and longevity

Personalization is key not just during customer acquisition but also throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

With OneDay’s video analytics, you gain valuable insights into your customers' interactions with your videos, enabling you to make improvements that lead to higher engagement, lower attrition rates, and stronger customer loyalty.

Have questions? We have answers

How can video benefit my financial services company in reaching a wider customer base? Our platform is designed for versatility, aligning with your unique business needs. Whether you're looking to enhance marketing efforts by integrating videos into your website or email campaigns, streamline and customize the prospect journey for sales, or foster enduring customer satisfaction and engagement through communication, our personalized video platform is readily available to enhance efficiency, save time, and boost engagement.
How significant is virtual selling for my financial services company? Virtual selling is rapidly evolving into a pivotal element of companies' sales strategies, and the financial services sector is no exception! Our video platform empowers you to streamline the sales process through automated video content tailored to every phase of your customer's journey, ultimately saving you time and enhancing engagement. 
How significant is video marketing for my financial services company? When aiming to attract new customers, research indicates that customers often rely on video content to discover and understand brands. Video content serves as a vital tool during the information-gathering phase of their buyer's journey and by incorporating it into your strategy, you can significantly enhance your ability to engage your target audience, leading to higher conversion rates and an increased likelihood of turning them into loyal customers.

Ready to learn more?

Request a free personalized demo with OneDay to learn how we can help your team achieve success with videos.