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OneDay's Innovative Approach to Remote Working Fatigue

Business leaders and their people are driving through uncharted territory these days. Uncertainty continues to fog the operational windshield, leaving companies with critical decisions around remote working and balancing growth with a satisfying – and healthy – work experience.

That’s why we’re so proud of a recent story in Fast Company that showcased the tremendous importance we place on our own people, especially during these challenging times. At OneDay, our innovative mindset dictates everything we do, from the solutions and service we provide to senior living communities to the way we approach our culture. In other words, we practice what we preach.


Home Office Burnout

As discussed in the Fast Company article, many businesses are extending their remote working policies indefinitely, acting with an abundance of caution as the global health crisis continues to evolve. However, many employees are discovering some unforeseen drawbacks to a virtual office model.

The extra hours people need to simply get their work done – while also juggling homeschooling, health and financial concerns, and other stressors – creates the ideal backdrop for burnout and mental fatigue to take root and grow like weeds.

According to statistics cited in the article, 37% of employees now work longer hours, and 40% have experienced burnout since the pandemic started. Needless to say, that’s an unhealthy combination for everyone and everything involved.


New Digs, New Outlook

But employers aren’t helpless when it comes to combating increased levels of stress and fatigue within the workforce. As discussed in the article, business leaders can adopt a variety of strategies to counteract burnout and fatigue, including everything from micro-breaks throughout the day to additional vacation days.

Clint Lee, OneDay’s co-founder and CEO, explained the novel approach we’re taking to ensure our team’s mental health and well-being. Deemed our “New Digs” initiative, OneDay pays the tab for four employees and their families to work from Airbnbs for a few days. This program has proven to be a huge success, with those who have participated citing how thankful they are for the opportunity to get a bit of a refresh. 

Although this outside-of-the-box thinking is yet another example of the unique perspective we bring to business operations, it’s in no way something we want to keep to ourselves. As Clint said in the article:

"As business leaders, we must find ways to ensure our people are supported, even when they don’t see each other every day. While our New Digs program can’t solve all the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic and all its side effects, (New Digs) is something we can offer right now to support our employees and prioritize mental health for our team members."

Let Culture Lead the Way

New Digs isn’t a one-off initiative that we’re trying for fun. It’s emblematic of our overall approach to culture and our team. In fact, just as a senior living community’s culture and employees are critical in driving occupancy, so, too, are they imperative to the innovations we bring to the industry. And given the success and attention we’ve garnered in recent months – including being named one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces for 2020 – it’s safe to say that we’re onto something.

The way we see it, happy employees are more productive, innovative, and motivated, driving success for the entire organization. We’re always going to let our culture lead the way at OneDay, through good times and bad. And who ultimately stands to reap the biggest rewards for our approach? Our senior community partners, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.


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